All-on-4® is the immediate replacement of ALL teeth ON 4 dental implants in just 1 day

You can afford to smile again at our state-of-the art, fully equipped & expertly staffed dental tourism clinic!

Ready for a brand new smile?

See what to expect in our step-by-step patient journey! From the first FREE online consultation to you leaving Bucharest with a brand new smile!

Schedule a video call

Get a treatment plan

Come to

Come to Romania

to the Bucharest British Dental Clinic

We offer teeth replacement solutions that are Fixed, Immediate and
which are aimed to feel and function like a Beautiful Natural set.
Rebuild your smile and regain your social life with dental implants and
immediate loading!


We are here to help you make the best decisions for your health. Rebuilding your smile is important but it comes with a great financial effort that makes the procedure restrictive in your country, we know that and that’s why we are here! We know you need to act fast but still make the best choice.

How to make this decision?

We believe our duty as professionals in this field is to advise you and construct a treatment plan adapted to your needs, from both a medical and a financial perspective, impartially, with no business interest. 

Why choose us?


We have an extensive experience in
All on 4 type procedures, we perform
hundreds of them per year


We are the British Embassy designated
provider in Romania and we have been
voted one of the best dental clinics
in the world by Global Clinical Rating


We are fluently speaking
English and French so there are
no communication barriers.


We offer the best rapport between
quality and price. We are not cheap but
we are high-performance and efficient


  • Experience, expertise and innovation of All On 4
  • Hand-picked clinicians, hundreds of ALL on 4 Procedures per year since 2014
  • Maxillo – facial surgeons are the placing the implants – the highest level of competence
  • One of the few clinics in the world using surgical guides – NAVIDENT
  • DIGITAL SMILE DESIGN prior to the surgery in order to determine the position of the teeth and the position of the implants
  • MODJAW – 3D occlusal analysis in order to plan for best function
  • PRF techniques, Parasorb techniques to offer the best healing and prevent the bone resorption after extractions.
  • Immediate teeth that are SEMI PERMANENT, cleanable, fixed and screw retained
  • Malo/Toronto/Thimble Bridges are more aesthetic and easily repairable
  • Your entire treatment & laboratory in one place
  • Streamlined process with built-in contingency
  • Solutions even for the poor or thin jawbone: BONE EASY INDIVIDUAL IMPLANT
  • Affordable long term Zirconia, Porcelain or Graphene options
  • Predictable Results & High Success
  • For patients from abroad, we sometimes can offer local follow-up after surgery

Patient Journey

At the Bucharest British Dental Place we have a streamlined method and an approach made possible not only by our facilities but through our innovative techniques and processes aimed at improving outcomes in the most efficient manner.

The course of treatment described here is the most common process for an All On 4 procedure at our clinic, but it is just one of many treatment options depending on findings at your initial consultation.










2023 OFFER*

*dental tourism packages available,

All – on – 4


treatment plan

digital smile design

All-on-4 Straumann implants

All-on-4 implant surgery

temporary bridge


4000 €

2500 €

All – on – 6


treatment plan

digital smile design

All-on-6 Straumann implants

All-on-6 implant surgery

temporary bridge


5500 €

3500 €

Bigger Picture

When looking at the bigger picture when trying to decide on a dental clinic there is a list of things to have in mind so that you can compare your options:

When looking at the bigger picture when trying to decide on a dental clinic there is a list of things to have in mind so that you can compare your options:

All on X specialist
Maxillo- facial surgeon
Intravenous sedation
Surgical guide
Fixed temporary
Bridge Malo/Toronto
Final bridge simulations
3D Bite Analysis

We provide all of these with the amazing timing for the 1st stage of 3-10 days and 3+3 days for the 2nd.
Most cheap dental tourism clinics you can find are lacking in these fields and the more established UK/FR ones have them but at what cost?
Another comparison to have in mind is the type of implant used. We, at Bucharest British Dental Place use Wold #1 Straumann implants while cheap clinics out there will give you cheap implants and UK/FR clinics will happily provide good quality implants but they will be thoroughly reflected on your bill.

Let’s see how prices compare:

All on 4 with Permanent Bridge
BBDP – from 6000EUR
Cheap Clinics – from 5000 EUR
UK/FR – from 15.000 EUR

All on 6 with Permanent Bridge
BBDP – from 7000 EUR
Cheap Clinics – from 6000 EUR
UK/FR – from 25.000 EUR

All on X specialist

Maxillo- facial surgeon

Intravenous sedation

Surgical guide

Fixed temporary

Bridge Malo/Toronto

Final bridge simulations


3D Bite Analysis

Timing 1st stage

Timing 2nd stage

Utilized implant


All on 4 with Permanent Bridge

All on 6 with Permanent Bridge

Bucharest British Dental Place

3-10 days

3+3 days

Straumann – World #1

from 6.000 EUR

from 7.000 EUR

Low cost clinics



Cheap implants


from 5.000 EUR

from 6.000 EUR













Good quality implants

from 15.000 EUR

from 25.000 EUR

Our Results

Many of our patients decide to visit us not only from all over Romania, but also from abroad because of our focus and expertise. Browse through our case studies to see some of our results and smile makeovers that speak for themselves.

We restore function and improve the appearance, this often also translates into improved confidence and self esteem as well as many other aspects of everyday life. It is about Quality of Life.

Our Patients

Bespoke CARE

Each treatment is planned on an individual basis and whilst certain patients may need additional more than four implants on occasion or other procedures for appropriate long term support, we always aim to avoid prolonged treatment duration with advanced techniques that afford minimal disruption to our patients’ day-to-day life and function.

What is the

The All-on-4 treatment concept is a prosthodontic procedure (i.e replacement of missing teeth) that provides a permanent, screw-retained, same-day replacement for the entire upper and / or lower set of teeth with a bridge.

The procedure is best suited to patients with significant tooth loss or decay, and for people whose bone loss in the jaw area prevents them from getting conventionally oriented (vertical) dental implants.

Often, tooth loss is accompanied by loss of the jaw bone, which poses the problem of reconstruction of the jaw bone requiring bone grafting.

The All-on-4 technique takes advantage of the dense bone that remains in the front part of the jaws, and by placing the two posterior implants on an angle to avoid the sinus cavities in the upper jaw and the nerve canal in the lower jaw.

The advantages of immediate loading are exceptional:

  • The Aesthetics are re-established immediately after the pose of the temporary bridge
  • The masticatory function and normal feeding are usually regain within few days
  • Avoiding the psychological stress of losing all the teeth or having to wear a plate
  • Regain the social life immediately
  • Preservation of the bone height and the gingival contour when the extractions are done at the same time with implant placement
  • The immediate bridge can reshape the aesthetic of the smile right after surgery

The surgery of immediate loading can’t be performed if the patient doesn’t have enough native bone.

The bone grafts are not considered native bone because of different vascularisation mechanisms or different elasticity coefficients.

This is why the dental extractions before implant placement have to be done by a specialist in bone preservation!

Learn more


Not all the implants are integrating, the literature suggests that 97% of all implants are, however 3% of the failed implants will affect the permanent bridge irreversibly.

After surgery and with healing processes in place, there is an accelerated bone and gum remodeling that might result in unaesthetic and dysfunctional gaps under the permanent bridge.

Immediate loading is carried out within the first 72 hours after surgery. After that period of time, the bone healing physiology gets into a different phase. It is very difficult, rather impossible to technically produce a complete bridge in such a short time


The newly inserted implants are immediately loaded by connecting themselves with a bridge. By soldering them together, the stability of the bone integration is assured, thus the success of the treatment is high and predictable.

The key element is the bridge construction and its integrity dictates the integration of the implant. Any fracture or micromovement might irreversibly affect the bone integration of the support- the implants. We may look at it as a chair, the bridge is the chair seat and the new implants are the legs - if we take away the seat, the legs will fall down.


Conversion of a plastic denture into a fixed plastic bridge. Main disadvantages are: poor quality materials, poor function and aesthetics, low resistance to biting forces - increased risk of fracture, it needs replacement within 5-6 months.

Temporary PMMA plastic bridge. Main disadvantages are: medium quality materials, medium function and aesthetics, average resistance to biting forces - increased risk of fracture, it needs replacement within 5-6 months.


The latest techniques allow for the delivery of a final restoration within days of the surgery.

The teeth are completely individualized and are tried in the mouth for fine-tuning, typically on the same day as the surgery when the swelling has not set in and we are able to accurately assess the new teeth before finalizing and processing the semi permanent bridge.

Not only does this improve our patient's overall experience, but it also improves the reliability of the implant connections, because the connections are processed not retro-fitted, and is one of the reasons that we enjoy a high rate of success of our dental implants.

Advantages of SEMI PERMANENT bridge

  • The quality of it is similar to the quality of permanent bridge
  • It is made by milled multilayer PMMA crowns on a metal framework by CAD CAM techniques and laser sintering, on the concepts of Malo/Toronto/Thimble bridge. The crowns are individual and easily replaceable at any point of time
  • The metal framework is very rigid, it immobilizes the implants as the bone fractures are immobilized during orthopedic surgery, by minimizing the micromovements.
  • It comprises artificial gum that is made to look very natural by our artist dental technicians
  • It is made after and with the help of Digital Smile Design technology, so that the bridge aesthetics is integrated within the patient’s facial features.
  • It is made after and with the help of Modjaw 3D occlusal analysis, so that the function is perfectly restored
  • It allows much more time for aesthetic and functional evaluation for the patient
  • It allows much more time to assess the success of the treatment, oral hygiene habits, occlusal
  • It allows much more time for financial planning, so the patients can spread out the costs over a longer period of time

Our Clinic

We have surgeons on staff & use IV anesthetics

The surgical procedures are carried out by maxillofacial surgeons working in tandem with prosthodontic specialists, so you are in safe hands

Top of the line Technology

We have top of the line technology, such as Navident, Modjaw, Cerec Primescan, CBCT, etc and there are not many clinics in the world that can compete at this level

Onsite dental laboratory

We have our own dental laboratory equipped with the latest CAD/CAM technology and the very best dental supplies. Thus we are able to offer fast, predictable, supervised and protocol based solutions for our patients needs

Our Team


Setup a video call with
our All-on-X guide!

    © 2023 Bucharest British Dental Clinic 

    STEP #1
    STEP #1


    Before being examined by a trained dentist to establish a diagnosis and treatment plan for you, we offer a pre-consultation service where you would see a member of the dental team, such as a clinical coordinator, who have been sufficiently involved in the entire process by working side-by-side with the dentist performing the operations to enable them to explore in general various treatment options and discuss in some detail the All On 4 Dental Implants Procedure.

    You may ask to see some of our work for patients with similar conditions to yours, and for any particular information that you may be interested in.

    Appointment Duration: 30 minutes

    STEP #2
    STEP #2


    Make an appointment for a consultation with one of our trained Dentists and a Maxillo-facial surgeon who will work together during your treatment once you decide to proceed. They will examine your mouth, explore all your treatment alternatives and determine the most appropriate solution to fit your individual needs and expectations.

    Appointment Duration: 30-60 minutes.
    Approximate Fee: 65 euro

    STEP #3
    STEP #3


    Special 3D x-rays called cone-beam CT (CBCT) scans are needed to complete your diagnosis, determine your suitability for any sort of treatment, and plan the positioning of the implants. Also it is very important for setting the surgical dynamic navigation prior to surgery (Navident).

    After the dentist has assessed your health, x-rays and clinical situation, you will be given a treatment plan which outlines all the treatment stages as well as the costs involved. This is included within your consultation fee.

    Approximate Fee: 90 -125 euro

    STEP #4
    STEP #4


    Once you decide to proceed with oral rehabilitation involving any of our treatments All On 4 you will need to attend the clinic for photos, models and other records as required, so as to enable the dentist to plan the optimal set-up of the replacement teeth in terms of both appearance and function.

    With DIGITAL SMILE DESIGN we can design better smiles, make treatment plans more effectively, and perform better treatments in a more efficient way. We can use 3D printed simulations of your future teeth in order to assess the shape, size and position before any treatment.

    Appointment Duration: 120 - 180 minutes.
    Approximate Fee: The cost is included in the overall cost of your treatment.

    STEP #5
    STEP #5


    After removing the teeth (if any), cleaning out any remnants of disease and preparing the jaw bone to accept the implants, these are inserted according to the work-up along with any grafting procedure as may be required. The wounds are closed with dissoluble sutures that take 10-14 days to completely dissolve without the need for another appointment to remove them.
    The surgery is typically done under intravenous sedation.

    Impressions are then taken by using 3D cameras and CAD CAM technique and sent to the laboratory.
    The stents that the laboratory had prepared in advance are then used as a first try-in to help get very close to an optimal arrangement in the next stage.

    Appointment Duration: 2 – 3 Hours

    STEP #6
    STEP #6

    DELIVERY OF THE SEMI PERMANENT BRIDGE: 1-2 days after surgery

    While you are recovering from the surgery, the laboratory works off the records obtained prior and after surgery and prepares the semi permanent bridge. A laser sintering metal framework is printed, the CAD CAM PMMA crowns are cemented and the technicians are completing the immediate bridge.

    During the appointment, the immediate screw-retained implant supported bridge is fitted.

    Appointment Duration: 30-60 minutes

    & Safety

    We have an extensive experience in All on 4 type procedures, we perform hundreds of them per year

    Maxillo-facial specialist surgeons with extensive experience are the most capable practitioners to place implants because they are trained to handle any complication that might arise during oral surgery. They are doing several procedures per day, every day and not just a few a year. BBDP does it this way.

    We cater to even the most anxious of patients or the ones with special medical conditions, having an anesthesiologist on staff to administer the sedation and tend to their general health during surgical procedures. BBPD does it that way.

    We made substantial investments in the latest equipment and techniques required so that all procedures can be precise and predictable. BBDP does it this way.

    All on X cases are best restored with Malo/Toronto/Thimble Bridge design, so that it can assure the best achievable aesthetics, resistance and repairability for the long term. BBDP only does it this way.

    In order to be able to overview the prosthetics from start to finish in a very controlled environment while also fast-tracking the process, we believe having our own dental laboratory is mandatory. BBDP has a high end inhouse dental laboratory.

    After surgery, we can assist patients in finding professionals near their place of residence that can follow-up on the procedure and provide peace of mind. BBDP does it this way.


    We are the British Embassy designated provider in Romania and we have been voted one of the best dental clinics in the world by Global Clinical Rating

    BBDP is the designated provider of the UK Embassy in Bucharest.
    We started this clinic in 2014 to address the needs of patients looking to get treatment abroad.

    We treated thousands of complex rehabilitation cases and we had hundreds of boasting reviews following positive experiences.

    Our professionals have extensive working experience in the UK or France.

    Patient Communication
    & Empathy

    We are fluently speaking English and French so there are no communication barriers.

    We are fluent in English and French so there are no communication barriers.

    Gilles Robert, our Patient Manager, is French and has extensive experience in public relations, he will be happy to answer all of your questions and help guide you through the choices at hand. Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

    We are ready to organize your stay, airport transfer, accommodation and provide assistance with all the hassles that may arise during your dental tourism journey.

    & Benefits

    We offer the best rapport between quality and price. We are not cheap but we are high-performance and efficient

    We believe we offer the best quality - price rapport providing high quality services at moderate prices. That having said, we are not cheap.

    Our patients are looking at reduced costs compared to the treatment at home - and that may very well mean the difference between having to wear a denture or benefiting from immediate fixed teeth.

    All our All on X procedures are completed with a fixed bridge from the 1st stage and not removable dentures. This is so our patients have the comfort of eating immediately, of instant aesthetics and of implant predictability.
    Being in the European Union, the patients can benefit from reimbursement from their home insurance much in the same way they would if they were treated at home.


    STEP #1
    STEP #1


    Before being examined by a trained dentist to establish a diagnosis and treatment plan for you, we offer a pre-consultation service where you would see a member of the dental team, such as a clinical coordinator, who have been sufficiently involved in the entire process by working side-by-side with the dentist performing the operations to enable them to explore in general various treatment options and discuss in some detail the All On 4 Dental Implants Procedure.

    You may ask to see some of our work for patients with similar conditions to yours, and for any particular information that you may be interested in.

    Appointment Duration: 30 minutes

    STEP #2
    STEP #2


    Make an appointment for a consultation with one of our trained Dentists and a Maxillo-facial surgeon who will work together during your treatment once you decide to proceed. They will examine your mouth, explore all your treatment alternatives and determine the most appropriate solution to fit your individual needs and expectations.

    Appointment Duration: 30-60 minutes.
    Approximate Fee: 65 euro

    STEP #3
    STEP #3


    Special 3D x-rays called cone-beam CT (CBCT) scans are needed to complete your diagnosis, determine your suitability for any sort of treatment, and plan the positioning of the implants. Also it is very important for setting the surgical dynamic navigation prior to surgery (Navident).

    After the dentist has assessed your health, x-rays and clinical situation, you will be given a treatment plan which outlines all the treatment stages as well as the costs involved. This is included within your consultation fee.

    Approximate Fee: 90 -125 euro

    STEP #4
    STEP #4


    Once you decide to proceed with oral rehabilitation involving any of our treatments All On 4 you will need to attend the clinic for photos, models and other records as required, so as to enable the dentist to plan the optimal set-up of the replacement teeth in terms of both appearance and function.

    With DIGITAL SMILE DESIGN we can design better smiles, make treatment plans more effectively, and perform better treatments in a more efficient way. We can use 3D printed simulations of your future teeth in order to assess the shape, size and position before any treatment.

    Appointment Duration: 120 - 180 minutes.
    Approximate Fee: The cost is included in the overall cost of your treatment.

    STEP #5
    STEP #5


    After removing the teeth (if any), cleaning out any remnants of disease and preparing the jaw bone to accept the implants, these are inserted according to the work-up along with any grafting procedure as may be required. The wounds are closed with dissoluble sutures that take 10-14 days to completely dissolve without the need for another appointment to remove them.
    The surgery is typically done under intravenous sedation.

    Impressions are then taken by using 3D cameras and CAD CAM technique and sent to the laboratory.
    The stents that the laboratory had prepared in advance are then used as a first try-in to help get very close to an optimal arrangement in the next stage.

    Appointment Duration: 2 – 3 Hours

    STEP #6
    STEP #6

    DELIVERY OF THE SEMI PERMANENT BRIDGE: 1-2 days after surgery

    While you are recovering from the surgery, the laboratory works off the records obtained prior and after surgery and prepares the semi permanent bridge. A laser sintering metal framework is printed, the CAD CAM PMMA crowns are cemented and the technicians are completing the immediate bridge.

    During the appointment, the immediate screw-retained implant supported bridge is fitted.

    Appointment Duration: 30-60 minutes

    Travel Offer

    We offer a variety of travel packages to best suite your dental tourism needs. These include Airport transfer both ways and convenient accommodation in the heart of Bucharest, near our dental practice so you don’t need to fight traffic or waste time.

    Fast & Easy package
    3 night stay & Airport transfer
    220 euro

    Dental Tourist package
    5 night stay & Airport transfer
    320 euro

    A week to smile package
    7 night stay & Airport transfer
    420 euro

    Long stay package
    10 night stay & Airport transfer
    550 euro